Here Are Your New Sapling Summer Care Tips

If your spring included planting a new tree, you’re probably wondering what you need to do to care for it through the hot summer months. Between the summer heat and harsh sunlight, newly planted trees can become stressed and damaged if they are not properly cared for. Having proper summer tree care is vital in…

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Dutch Elm Disease: What You Need to Know

Is Dutch Elm Disease in your elm trees? During late spring and early summer, symptoms of Dutch Elm Disease typically start appearing, if they haven’t already. It’s important this tree disease is addressed early, as it can kill an elm tree in as little as 1–2 years. Recognizing the symptoms may be easy, but knowing…

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Uncover the Amazing Benefits of Tree Planting

As the world gradually works towards restoring the balance of nature, planting trees is one of the most important things we can do. In the long run, the benefits of planting trees will help us improve our health and our planet. In this blog, we’ll uncover the amazing benefits of tree planting and explore ways…

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What Holiday Lights Are Best For Your Home?

As the holidays approach, many of us begin to think about decorating our homes. One of the most popular ways to add holiday cheer is by hanging lights inside and outside of your house. But with all the different types of lights available, it can be difficult to know which kind to choose. They all…

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What is Causing My Grass to Die?

Have you noticed your grass dying no matter how much you seed and water it? Well, it might have something to do with the trees in your yard and not your lack of a green thumb. Most trees won’t affect your grass, but pine trees could be the culprit to your dying patches. Pine trees…

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We can Help with Storm Damage

We all have either experienced or know someone who has experienced extensive storm damage to their property. Mother Nature is unpredictable – storms have the ability to rip trees out of the ground no matter if they are healthy or not. Ivan’s Tree Service has the knowledge and skills to help try and prevent storm…

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Which Trees Produce Edible Sap?

The most common tree sap we hear about consuming is that from a Maple tree, but it’s not the only tree that produces edible sap. You can make syrup from a variety of tree species, but the taste might not be what you are expecting. Find out if you have a sap-producing tree on your…

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What is the Most Common tree in Minnesota?

Minnesota has a lot of trees and is known for the beautiful pines that are always Instagram worthy from every angle. Even though Minnesota’s state tree is a red pine, the most common tree is not even in the pine family! A Quaking Aspen is the most common tree in Minnesota. Learn some fun facts…

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