Protect Your Trees from Salt Damage

As snow falls and layers of ice form on the ground, it is normal to sprinkle salt to help prevent a winter stroll from turning into a not-so-fun slip and slide. However, this ice melting solvent may not be as helpful and harmless as it may seem. In fact, ice melt products can be incredibly…

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Brighten Your Yard with a Minnesota Maple Tree

When thinking of fall, one of the first things to cross your mind is likely the changing of the leaves. With stunning yellows, sunset oranges, and vibrant reds, who wouldn’t want to look out the window to such a beautiful sight, and what tree better fits this vision than the October Glory Maple tree. Sadly,…

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Why Invest in Commercial Tree Care Services?

As visual people, our first impressions hold a lot of weight over how we perceive others. In all aspects of life, we strive for a polished appearance, but have you thought about the impact trees have on your commercial landscaping, and your clients’ perception of your business? Wise businesspeople understand the importance of making their…

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How Minnesota Trees Purify Our Lakes

Nothing better describes the joy of a summer day than spending time in the great outdoors. Regardless of whether you prefer to visit one of Minnesota’s 66 state parks, spend the day at the lake, or simply enjoy the scenic views of the Mississippi River, you will encounter the benefits of two of Minnesota’s greatest…

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Here Are Your New Sapling Summer Care Tips

If your spring included planting a new tree, you’re probably wondering what you need to do to care for it through the hot summer months. Between the summer heat and harsh sunlight, newly planted trees can become stressed and damaged if they are not properly cared for. Having proper summer tree care is vital in…

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Dutch Elm Disease: What You Need to Know

Is Dutch Elm Disease in your elm trees? During late spring and early summer, symptoms of Dutch Elm Disease typically start appearing, if they haven’t already. It’s important this tree disease is addressed early, as it can kill an elm tree in as little as 1–2 years. Recognizing the symptoms may be easy, but knowing…

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Uncover the Amazing Benefits of Tree Planting

As the world gradually works towards restoring the balance of nature, planting trees is one of the most important things we can do. In the long run, the benefits of planting trees will help us improve our health and our planet. In this blog, we’ll uncover the amazing benefits of tree planting and explore ways…

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