3 Reasons to Break out the Rake this Fall

3 Reasons to Break of the Rake this Fall

One of the best times of the year are when leaves begin to change color and fall from the trees. Many will go on trips and drives just to admire these leaves, but as alluring as they are, they come with their share of maintenance. Once the leaves begin to pile up throughout your lawn, it’s time to break out the rake. Here are 3 reasons why raking leaves is essential for fall.

1. Leaves Block the Lawn from Essential Nutrients

When leaves begin to pile up, they block the grass beneath them from necessary water and nutrients required to live. The type of grass we have in Minnesota is called cool season grass. This type of grass thrives best in seasons when temperatures fall between 60-75 degrees Fahrenheit. When sunlight and water are blocked from the grass’s system, the grass is unable to flourish during its prime time of year.

2. Leaves Attract Pests  

Beetles, termites, and roaches are just a few of the pests that love falling leaves. When leaves are left un-raked, they become a great source of feeding and sheltering of these pests. Not only will un-raked leaves draw in creatures, but they can also attract a disease called snow mold. This lawn disease leaves discolored patches of grass that are either yellow or pinkish in color.

3. Leaves Keep New Grass from Growing

One of the most beautiful parts of spring is seeing the trees, flowers, and grass come back to lush and colorful life. Leaving your leaves un-raked through the winter can deter your lawn from bouncing back once the snow melts. The leaves will have matted and suffocated the lawn to the extent that extra maintenance and care are required to bring it back to life.

A healthy yard doesn’t just mean your lawn, but your trees too. Our certified arborists at Ivan’s Tree Service can handle all of your tree care needs this fall. Contact our trusted experts to schedule your fall cleanup today!